Mrs. Buhr introduced the 2nd graders to Air Bud today during the movie and popcorn reward from the Kids Heart Challenge!
almost 4 years ago, Missy Buhr
Super Buddies movie for some super kindergarteners who helped raise money for the Kids Heart Challenge!
almost 4 years ago, Clarenda Taylor
2nd grade took advantage of the fresh air and beautiful weather!!
almost 4 years ago, Missy Buhr
An incentive for a job well done during the Kids Heart Challenge! Way to go PGS on the money raised! 3rd Grade is enjoying their movie afternoon with popcorn - watching Air Bud 🏀🎥🍿
almost 4 years ago, Meghan Rogers
Read Across America Week March 1 - March 5
almost 4 years ago, Jim Ochs
Read Across America Spirit Days
Second Grade practiced subitizing with a friendly game of Dice Races
almost 4 years ago, Missy Buhr
Thank you to everyone who participated in the blood drive today at Potomac Grade School! We ended the day with 31 total donors! Potomac is so lucky to have amazing people who will give blood to save a life and help our school receive a grant!! Also, a huge thanks to Iota Theta sorority for sponsoring the blood drive!
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
Yearbooks are now on sale!! They are $10.50 each!! Orders must be submitted by March 5th!
almost 4 years ago, Theresa Carley
The Wi-Fi is not working at Gifford Grade School. I will try my best to go live tonight, because I will be at the basketball game. If it works, it will be on the Potomac Grade School Facebook page. -Ms. Freeman
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
If you are donating blood on Monday, February 22, please take a look at the map to see where you should park and where the Blood Mobile will be parked.
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
Teachers learn different ways to teach reading as well!
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
Teachers learn as well! A little bit of math professional development after a full day of school!
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
Here are a couple fun activities to try on this cold and snowy day!
almost 4 years ago, Missy Buhr
Parents, we need your help!! The parent response rate is 13% for the 2021 Illinois Parent Survey. As a reminder, schools need 20% of their parents to respond in order to receive a report. Also note a school must have a minimum of 8 responding parents in order to receive a report. Please, complete the survey at the link below. Email me once you’ve completed it for a chance to win a Casey’s gift card!
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
Tomorrow’s volleyball game against Oakwood has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
Tonight’s Boys Basketball game against Rossville has been cancelled!
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
With the road conditions worsening and more snow expected, VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE TOMORROW MORNING IS CANCELLED! *Due to the late notice, parents will be notified in the morning. (Posted at 11:10pm) Reminder: Bus leaves at 5:00 pm on Tuesday.
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
Reminder: There is no school tomorrow or Tuesday!
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman
First grade enjoyed the 100th day of school today!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Pruiett
first grade
first grade
Parents - Please remember to complete the 5 Essentials survey! The link to complete this survey was emailed to you earlier this week. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to the school.
almost 4 years ago, Candace Freeman