Activity pictures will be taken on Tuesday, March 16th! Orders can be placed online or using the order forms sent home with your child!
Spring Pictures will also be taken on Tuesday! Only students that have placed an order for pictures will have their picture taken!
Bucket Drumming in Music
Picture Day for spring and athletic pictures is Tuesday, March 16!!
Now that 2nd graders are measurement experts, they are applying their knowledge playing games
Second graders are hard at work in their reading centers!
Kindergarten was excited to wrap up their 2D shapes work by filling tanagrams with the shapes they had learned!
Tonight's 7th grade Regional Volleyball game @ PVO will be streamed LIVE on YouTube search, PVO Mustangs TV
Game time is 6:00
Spring picture order forms were sent home today! They will be taken on TUESDAY, MARCH 16th! Unlike years past, your child will ONLY have their picture taken if you have placed an order either through the Inter-State website or sent in money with the order form!
Second Grade practiced estimating and measuring items in the classroom.
I love getting to read to these kiddos! They are so cute and definitely made my morning!
-Ms. Freeman
TOMORROW - FRIDAY, March 5 is an early dismissal. We will be dismissing at 11:20/11:30.
This year, we are striving to have a spring conference with every parent. Due to COVID, we have had less face-to-face interactions with parents and would like to make sure we continue to be in communication and work as a team to provide the best education for our students.
Please follow the link to sign up for a conference for your child/children. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to the school.
Thank you!
What a beautiful day ☀️ 3rd Grade took their handwriting books outside to practice cursive while enjoying the weather!
Early Dismissal Friday March 5 @ 11:20/11:30
REMINDER: Get your yearbook now- online ordering ends on 03/05/2021! Visit to order online.
Only one week left to order Class Composites! Visit and enter Order Code 56856HQ. Online Ordering ends on Wed, 03/10/2021. Don’t miss out!
Here is the link for the 7/8 Volleyball Game
Wednesday March 3 @ 6:00 Vs. Oakwood
Here is the link for the 7/8 Volleyball Game
Wednesday March 3 @ 6:00 Vs. Oakwood
Girls 7/8 Volleyball Away game @ Oakwood
Wednesday March 3, 2021 @ 6:00
Live Stream TBD
Girls 7th grade Volleyball Regional game Home vs. Heritage
Saturday March 6, 2021 @ 1:00
Live Streamed on Potomac Grade School Facebook page
Good Luck Cardinals!!
There is school today! 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will continue with remote learning! They will return to school on WEDNESDAY!