Who knew counting and number recognition could be so much fun! Math centers in Kindergarten are going great!
Reading groups are off to a great start in 4th grade! Lots of reading, writing, and conversation taking place! Especially when we get to talk about how and why some animals dance!
First grade has been working hard lately during phonics! They are loving the hands on materials they get to use to build their words. Keep up the good work first grade!
Reminder: We dismiss at 11:20/11:30 tomorrow (9/22).
Picture Day is coming up on Thursday, October 7th!!
First day of scooters with Kindergarten and nobody smashed a finger!!!
Our softball team is REGIONAL CHAMPIONS!
Students have been having fun in music class singing, keeping a steady beat with instruments, and writing out rhythms!
Our softball team won their first game of regionals against St. Malachy, 8-1! They will be playing for the regional championship Tuesday!
Win against Rossville!!! 7-6 bottom of 7
Due to September 11 being on a Saturday, PGS will be celebrating Patriots' Day tomorrow, Friday, September 10. Please, have your child/children dress in red, white, and blue.
Potomac Grade School is hiring a 6th grade teacher!! Starting date is September 20!
The unicorn hat has made its way back to first grade this year! First grade is rocking doing guided reading groups and taking charge in their math centers! Way to go first grade!
Kindergarten learned new centers today for our RtI time! So many routines to learn at the beginning of kindergarten! They are rocking it!
Don’t forget Glo Bingo is SATURDAY! Doors open at 6:00 pm. Bingo starts at 7:00 pm.
**All tickets are sold out!
Kindergarten got to explore and discuss geoblocks today in math!
💜Kylah, we will miss you, sweet girl! 💜
Thank you Potomac Casey’s for the cookie donation to celebrate Kylah! #AicardiSyndrome
There will be a Pre-k screening in Potomac on September 21st.