7/8 Volleyball practices are being put on pause of the remainder of the week. Practice will resume December 20th as scheduled.
Here are the results to the food drive competition!!
With the Penny War and the help of our AMAZING community at Winter Family Fun Night, we were able to donate over $3000 to the Colunga family!
The Penny War raised $1013.44!! Thank you students!
Winter Family Fun Night/Spaghetti Benefit raised $2230!
Boys Basketball News
They will play Oakwood on Wednesday, January 12 at OJHS.
Tuesday night's game is rescheduled for Friday, January 14 at Rossville.
Thursday night's game is rescheduled for Thursday, January 13 at home.
The results we have all been waiting for.....
The Penny War outcome!!!!
If you are in need of meals for your student(s) this week, please call the office before 9:30 am. Thanks!
Meals will be available for pickup at 11:30 each day.
If you are in need of meals for your student(s) this week, please call the office tomorrow before 9:30 am. Thanks!
**This was sent home to parents last night, as well as posted on our website.
Dear Parents:
We continue to watch as our school, community and county covid numbers increase. We have seen our student numbers slightly increase, but the quarantine numbers due to contact with positive family members is quickly increasing and several staff members are now affected. After consultation with the Health Department it is agreed that going remote next week (Dec. 13-17) would be in the best interest of our school community. Teachers will be present at school and will conduct remote learning during this week. Tomorrow students will have the opportunity to get books, materials, and technology to use during this period. Our students have been working hard on their Christmas program, so tomorrow will allow for us to video the program to share with family and friends. A few sports activities will be allowed to continue. Coaches will be in contact with parents and players regarding their schedules.
We continue to hope for a healthy and happy holiday season. As always, the board, administration, and staff appreciate and value your continued support.
Penny War and Food Drive totals will all be tallied up on Monday! We can't wait to see which class/classes win!!
Practice tonight has been cancelled for 7/8 boys basketball and 7/8 volleyball.
Cardinals Volleyball 2022 is now open!
Find items that I've picked out specifically for our team.
There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends.
Check out the shop details below.
- Shop Now: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/wcWMb
- Store Open From: December 6 - December 15, 2021
We are ready for Santa to arrive!
We’re celebrating Computer Science Education Week by coding in all grade grade levels—Kindergarten through 8th grade! “Coding is easy!” and “Coding is fun!” are just two of the many excited comments this week.
#CSEdWeek #kidsccancode #HourOfCode #ideail @codeorg @codesparkapp
Looking forward to a Fun Family Night!!
The Pre-k kids and their families help make this wonderful Christmas tree.
With the power outage, our phones continue to go out. If you call the school and there’s no answer, please email Ms. Freeman. Freemanc@potomac.k12.il.us
2nd grade is building a line plot on the floor with their hand span measurements.
Fan bus information for tomorrow’s Girls 7th grade sectional game at Pontiac St. Mary’s:
•5th-8th grade students ONLY
•A parent MUST call the school tomorrow to give permission for their child to ride the bus.
•Bus leaves from ARMSTRONG at 4:45.
•Student is responsible for admission and any food or drinks that they purchase.
7th grade has taken the lead! We have a little over a week left in the food drive! Remember each class has a specific item to bring:
PreK-Mac and cheese
Kindergarten-Hamburger Helper
2nd-green beans
5th-potatoes (canned or instant)
6th-canned fruit
7th-Noodles (spaghetti, Alfredo, etc.)
5th/6th Boys Basketball REMINDER: Practice will dismiss at 4:30 on Wednesday, December 1st! Please have your child picked up on time!!