We made it!!! Monday is IN PERSON!!


First and foremost thank you for being so supportive during the last week of remote learning.  We know it isn't ideal or perfect, but it never will be.  Our teachers have been putting in many hours to make sure it runs as smoothly as possible!  

We will return to school Monday, December 7th.  Students need to make sure they bring their chrome book, iPad, and textbooks with back with them.  

To better plan if we go remote again, please fill out this survey for EACH CHILD in your family.  Be honest with your answers.  We can't fix things, if we don't know.  If there were issues, please share them in the survey.  https://forms.gle/5MszRfUHTQQf...

As always, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great weekend!  

Thank you!